FACES Project (EYES video, streaming projection, public installation)
"EYES" is a new single-channel video based on the five digital faces from my 1993 installation, "FACES." Stirred by the daily COVID experiences of mask-wearing and Asian facial characteristics, I repurposed these five faces for a new video exploring the complex emotions this pandemic has furthered on fear, human connections, race relations, and power struggles. Click the image below for "EYES," the single-channel video. 
"EYES" streaming live on Jan 7, 2021, 01:23 mins, 1920x1080, real-time sound
Recorded on Jan 7, 2021, streaming live from the Light Year 74: "Evoke" projection on the Manhattan Bridge while watching CNN News of the Jan 7 Capitol Riot.
FACES Site–Specific Installation
A 2020 Art Off-Screen public installation of five "12 x 17" laminated digital faces at a residential home in Brooklyn, New York
I created the work FACES in 1993 for the BWAC Exhibition Space in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Driven by everyday reality as an Asian-American living in NYC under the intensity of the pandemic, I wanted to repurpose the five faces as a site-specific installation for Art Off-Screen public art project curated by Eileen Jeng Lynch. I placed the work underneath the front door steps to suggest feelings of social invisibility and hidden emotions so much a part of the Asian and Asian-American experiences when confronted by fear, racial and political attacks, cultural misunderstandings and exclusion. In addition to this project, I also created a new video called EYES. It was projected onto the Manhattan Bridge in Dumbo, Brooklyn, in the summer of 2020. Watch the very top video.
Art Off-Screen public installation exhibition is a part of the International NEUMERAKI Project (https://neumeraki.com)
Inquiries: eileen@neumeraki.com

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